Cindy Hulsebosch R.M.T.

Cindy Hulsebosch R.M.T.

Cindy has lived in the Niagara Region since 2020 with her husband after graduating from the massage therapy program.

She transitioned from a corporate career in banking and information technology into health care and knows well the persistent back, neck, shoulder and hip tension that accompanies prolonged desk work. She educates clients on incorporating self-care to ease the strain and discomfort.

An initial appointment will encompass an assessment to create a treatment plan with a goal to reduce and eliminate pain and discomfort. This may include using cupping and additional specific techniques. Sometimes a relaxation massage is the desired treatment as well!

Cindy co-organizes the annual Canadian Massage Therapy Conference, which hosts industry education for manual therapists globally. She is a lead volunteer with Niagara 2022 Canada Summer Games as well.

Fun facts: Her celebrity crush is Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. She has participated in a number of multi-sport events (3 sprint triathlons, obstacle courses and a series of 5-15km running events–just for fun, fitness & for the finisher medals!)